Contact me

Why analyse health?

Aside from the obvious need we all feel to stay alive, health is at the heart of our every action. It’s so important yet unconscious that, as the adage goes, you don’t appreciate it until you’ve lost it.

Providing for the health of one nation is a great challenge. We must deal with constant changes in our workforce, technology and our culture. A key part of this challenge is to inform ourselves and others about major developments in health-related areas.

I am passionate about healthcare. I’m beginning my training as a doctor, having worked in biotech research and development, health economics, education and pharmaceuticals. I am considering a career in global health management and technology development. My long-term goal is to find novel approaches to health care using the latest treatments and management concepts, approaches that give power and motivation to patients. I believe that solutions to societies greatest challenges will be found if we think fluidly across unrelated fields of knowledge, with a strong belief in the future of humanity.


I’ve also recently started a company called Periaqua. It’s mission is to transform the health of individuals by giving them smartphone applications that keep them healthy or manage any issues they have.

Other Partnership Opportunities

Are you venturing into the Australian Health space? Either as a consumer or new vendor? Do you want to understand the current and future opportunities you have? Do you want contact with real world individuals working across health care in the public sector, education and industry?

I’m always on the look out for new projects to be involved in. I can help you with basic clinical knowledge, market awareness and a broad health sector experience including in emerging areas such as e-health and preventative technology.

If you need advice or a team member for any health related project, please contact me through Periaqua.

Gabriel James BSc, MSc

2 Responses

  1. the powerpoint you showed us today was very interesting. thanks so much on behalf of the students of wollemi college.

    • It was a pleasure John. I really enjoyed discussing the issues with you all and hearing your thoughts on how we should approach this challenging field.
      Good luck with your studies!

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