My Healthcare Wishlist

A handbook of evidence-based non-drug treatments.

A consumer MIMS – paper and elctronic based that describes all possible interactions as well as non-pharmacological equivalents and other possible drugs for a condition.

A new system for inputting health and treatment data that moves away from code to a more naturalistic and streamlined approach.

Real-time tracking of all hea;th care interventions and outcomes.

Better linkages between clinicians using whatever resources we have avaiable with an eye also to the future.

A system that allows a doctor to cross reference a topline summary of a patients data to all available systematic reviews and other EBM. This would allow quick personalized application of EBM. It’s a new search paradigm.

A comprehaensive clinical trials database that consumers are alerted to whenever their condition is updated. In this way we can recruit for and drive more clinical trials cost-effectively.

Systems for real-time tracking of clinical trials results with sub-population analysis (genetic, biomarker related etc) and in-built but flexible decisions points to allow pragmatic/naturalistic trials to become a reality.

Second to this – or perhaps first – a complete change in the way governments and HTA bodies view clinical trials and involve themselves in them.

A biomarker repository: database of every biomarker and its potential applications as well as existing assays for measuring the marker.

 Updated 7th August, 2009.

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