As GP’s retire, we rethink our Healthcare model

Only a few years ago various groups derided the use of nurse practitioners, hospitalists and other ‘non-traditional’ healthcare roles. Whether this was out of genuine concern for patient care or mere professional self-preservation is now irrelevant.

The good news is that alternatives, that have always made sense from a common sense management perspective, are being considered. For example, The AMA has asked the federal government to do more to support the training of nurses for chronic disease management as GP’s find themselves overwhelmed by the demand these patients create. Lets hope they don’t limit it to that.
Hospitalists will soon be trialled in NSW hospitals. The realization that specialist silo’s can be bad for patient care has forced this issue. It remains to be seen how this new role in managed with the usual territorial issues already arising (see comments below article). Perhaps the doctors will remember to put the patients first!!